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Explore Batam Island Like a Local | Tour Guide

Hello Travellers all around the world,

Do you plan on visiting Batam Island Indonesia in the near future?

Do you love travelling and move as the local do? Because we do!

Worry not! We offer the best service when it comes to make you feel like local

We understand that luxury travel is the best feeling, but living like the local is the best memory. An unforgettable one. The experience the feel, and everything can bring you back to memory lane of joy. 

But the most important thing for you BACKPACKER TRAVELLERS who wish to explore and travel as local is the economic part.

Being a local in Batam Island means you'll spend less yet still experience live as a traveler.
You'll spend less for transportation, meals, even shopping.

You just need the right guide for the right experience hehehehehe

Come join us if you wish to have the same experience!

Let's explore Batam Island!!

Feel free to contact us on email or whatsapp +6285765271296


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Air ZAMZAM Di Masjid Nabawi & Masjid Al Haram

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